Payment Methods

PayPal Payment
We accept payments through PayPal, a safe and secure online payment platform that offers convenient payment methods. Please note the following when paying with PayPal:

  1. Payment Process: When placing an order, you will be directed to the PayPal website to complete the payment. You may choose to pay using your existing PayPal account, or you may choose to pay as a guest using a credit or debit card.
  2. Account Security: If you choose to use your PayPal account to make a payment, please ensure that your account information and login credentials remain secure. Do not share your PayPal account information with others to prevent unauthorized transactions from occurring.
  3. Payment Confirmation: After completing your payment, you will receive a payment confirmation email with order details. Please check this confirmation email carefully to ensure the accuracy of your order and payment.

Credit Card Payments
In addition to PayPal payments, we also accept credit card payments. You can use Visa, American Express and other common credit cards to pay. Please note the following:
  1. Payment Process: When placing your order, you will have the option to pay by credit card. Please provide accurate credit card information and make sure it is secure.
  2. Payment Security: We have security measures in place to protect your payment information, but please ensure that you use a secure internet connection during the payment process and do not share your credit card information with others.
  3. Payment Confirmation: After completing your credit card payment, you will receive a payment confirmation email with order details. Please check this confirmation email carefully to ensure the accuracy of your order and payment.

Payment Notes
1. Please ensure that the payment information provided is accurate to avoid problems or delays in payment.
2. For PayPal payments, please ensure that your PayPal account has sufficient funds or has a valid payment method associated with it.
3. For credit card payments, please make sure that the expiration date and security code of your credit card are correct and that your credit card account has sufficient available credit.
4. If you encounter any problems during the payment process, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team and we will be happy to help you resolve the problem.

Our payment policy is designed to ensure that your payments are secure and convenient. If you have any payment questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact 1(657) 252-2932 or